Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's in a Name

One of the hardest things about starting this blog was coming up with a name. I wanted the perfect name for me... and I think I found it. However, my boyfriend disagrees somewhat. I guess "Contenta con la Vida" doesn't quite resonate with him. In the end though, it's my blog and it highly resonates with me, so I went for it.

The title of this blog comes from a quote by the Chilean Saint, San Alberto Hurtado. During my first stay in Chile I came to learn a great deal about Padre Hurtado and he fastly became one of my favorite Saints. He was a Jesuit priest in the first half of the 20th century and he was  a social worker who had a great love for the poor. He's the one who founded Hogar de Cristo which has now even spread to the United States. Padre Hurtado lived a rather short life. He died at the age of 51 from cancer and if I remember the story correctly, when he was diagnosed he said the words "Contento, Señor, contento." Basically it means "I am content or happy Lord." But to me, and I think to many Chileans, it goes so much deeper. He was just given a diagnosis of death and yet he says he is okay, happy, content... because he has lived a life for God and he trusts in God's plan for him.

From the first time I heard this quote, it hit me hard. I thought it was a great attitude to have and a great way to live your life. When I was learning Spanish by immersion, I had major struggles- with the language and not being able to communicate at higher than the level of a toddler, with adjusting to some cultural differences and even some differences in the Church. It was worth it, but it wasn't easy. And one of the greatest compliments I ever received from Andrés was when we were still friends and getting to know each other and he said that I reminded him of that quote by Padre Hurtado! It made me feel good to know that even though I was going through difficulties, people on the outside could still see I was giving it my all and trying to be joyful.

"Contento, Señor, contento." This is how I want to live. Whatever comes my way, I want to be contenta. Contenta con Dios y con la vida. Hence, the name for my blog. I want to always be joyful in the gift of life God has given me, whether I'm going through happy times or if I'm really struggling. Right now I'm very contenta because soon I'm going to be joining Andrés and we'll no longer be separated for months on end. But I also know that it's highly likely that in a year we're going to have to part for awhile again. I also know that I will go through more suffering in life. And my hope is that my blog title will remind me to always try to be contenta. To keep trusting in God's plan for me and that He will work for my good.

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