Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It All Starts with a Plan...

Welcome to my shiny-new, first-ever blog! After waiting months, maybe even over a year, I am finally able to start this new chapter in my life. I'm moving to Chile!!! In June of 2009 I went to that long, skinny country to learn Spanish for six weeks. I came away with a good hold on the language (although I still have a lllloooooooooooonnnnnggggg way to go) and a pololo (Chilean boyfriend). I didn't count on that happening but Andrés has been one of the biggest blessings in my life.

Since returning to the States in August of 2009, I've been back to Chile twice and Andrés came here this past Christmas. I'm working, he's going to school, and we've managed to keep our relationship going- and even growing- thanks to skype, msn live and gchat. But now it is time. It's time to trust in God and our love and move to Chile! Honestly, we've been thinking about this and trying to plan for it for a long time. There's been money, work, family and school issues to consider. I've spent a lot of time in prayer trying to understand God's timing and asking Him what His plan is. And now it looks like it's really happening! And I'm happy, contenta.

So the plan is that in the middle or end of August I will make the move. That means I have about five months to get prepared: renew my passport, get all my financial bizzness in order, finish up work responsibilities and say goodbye to all my family and loved ones here. I'll admit sometimes I'm so excited and other times I'm scared out of my mind. When I first started considering moving, I googled it and found a ton of gringa bloggers living in Chile. Their blogging has given me so much info and stories and has just been fascinating reading. I'm excited to join their ranks and I hope you'll join me as I experience all of this for the first time with my blog. I hope to keep you updated with preparations and then my new life in Chile. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I bet that you will miss your big brother and little nieces the most!
