Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Laughing Gas, New Clothes and Daylight

It went rather well at the dentist today. My MN dentist is great. I've been going to him since I was five and I think my dad has gone to him since he was something like 17. So when I found out that I had to get two crowns on my molars that had just had root canals, I went to my MN dentist first while I was home visiting my family. He did one crown (it's all I had money for at the time) in June and then I had to get this second one in Wyoming. Like I said, my MN dentist is great. But one thing he doesn't do is he doesn't use the laughing gas. The WY dentist uses laughing gas. Let me tell you, that makes it so much better. I still felt the Novocaine but I didn't really care! So that was nice. The other nice thing is that it was $100 LESS than they quoted me last week when I made the appointment. Honestly, I'm a cheap-o (we'll say thrifty) and saving $100 of this hard-earned money I'm trying to save for Chile was way BETTER than not being preocupada about the Novocaine.

The other thing is that my dentist is located in the mall. For most women this would be a problem. But for me, I'm strong (like I said, I'm a cheap-o). Walking through the mall doesn't really tempt me, especially since I didn't have any money budgeted for clothes this month. However, there is this new store and I decided to stop in and look because I wanted to see what type and price of clothes they have. And I saw they had a clearance rack full of pretty clothes! Now I don't quite understand how a new store already has clearance items, but since they were good clothes for cheap prices I didn't really care. I ended up getting a really pretty new dress and a pretty new cardigan for... wait for it... $14.28! My receipt says I saved $54.38 off of the original price. Who is the best bargain shopper ever?! Today, it was me. Now like I said, I didn't have money in the budget for this. But it gave me so much joy to get these pretty new things that I took it from my entertainment fund. The clothes will give me more lasting joy than a movie.

The last thing I want to say is that daylight savings time rocks and sucks all at the same time. I'm glad to have more sunlight later into my evenings, but seriously, it's hard for my body to adjust to the time change. Sunday I woke up just fine, but the past three mornings have been a struggle to wake up and even went into work an hour late two of those three days. It's okay because I have a somewhat flexible schedule but I also feel like that's a waste of my time I should be working so I don't have to work so late into the evening. However, it's worth it though because it also means that Andrés and I are an hour closer together! Hip hip hooray for daylight savings!

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